Web Directions / Online, Sydney A conference for the whole digital team–featuring product, design, front-end engineering, and more! a11y accessibility Accessibility testing accessible content authoring AI angular APIs AR Async Clipboard API ATAG Augmented Reality authentication brand career cascade layers Core Web Vitals creative technology Credential Management API CSS CSS architecture CSS in JS CSS nesting CSS scope Data Science Date/Time defensive CSS Design design pattterns Design Systems design thinking documentation Ethics File Handling API File System Access API flexbox fonts functional programming grid hacking hotwire ideas illustration intl JavaScript jobs to be done JSX JTBD keynote layout leadership management mental health mindfulness Mixed Reality mobile narrative Next.js NPM onboarding passkeys passwordless performance philosophy product Product Design product management product strategy progressive web apps Project Fugu psychology PWA react react native React Query react router reactive programming Redux refactoring remix remote teams RxJS security selectors server components SSE state management storytelling strategy subgrid systems thinking TDD technical writing temporal testing theming typescript typography UI User Experience UX UX Research variable fonts Virtual Reality visual design VR vue wcag web design web performance Web Share API WebAuthn WebOTP Window Controls Overlay API Presentations A Modern History of Front-End Best Practices Ben Taylor A New Future for the Interface: Reaching Toward True Adaptation Liam Spradlin Behind the Story Stephanie Troeth Better Onboarding Krystal Higgins Branding for accessibility: an inclusive approach to identity Kate Linton Bridging the World through Cross-Cultural Creativity & Innovation Yiying Lu Bringing Business Impact and User Needs together with Jobs to be Done (JTBD) Itamar Medeiros Building amazing apps with Project Fugu APIs Thomas Steiner Comparing JavaScript frameworks performance using real-world data Dan Shappir Controlling, designing and improving text on the web Mandy Michael Creating and maintaining front end APIs Isabel Brison CSS Architecture with Layers, Scope, and Nesting Bramus Van Damme Defensive CSS Ahmad Shadeed Designing Digital for Reality Oliver Weidlich Designing for positive social and environmental impact Mel Flanagan Designing with friction, it’s irritatingly good. Patima Tantiprasut Exploring Temporal Steve Harrison Fixing Frustrating Design Patterns in 2023 Vitaly Friedman Hotwired Reactive Web Development – How LowJS Can You Go? Josh Graham Make Joy Your Design’s Source Code Himanshu Bharadwaj Making Content Creation Tools Accessible Julie Grundy Mobile accessibility: testing mobile sites and native apps for accessibility Gian Wild Operating a global fully remote product design team Natalie Harper Q&AI Mark Pesce React Native Everywhere Taz Singh Reactive Programming in Modern Web Aliaksei Kuncevič Refactoring Components Erin Zimmer Remix, Server Components, NextJS: Navigating the future of React Ben Teese Rethinking state management in React Keerthana Krishnan Technically speaking: improve your code with documentation Alexandra White The algebraic structure of functions, illustrated using React components James Sinclair The infrastructures of everyday life Dan Hill The leadership path for senior designers Lucinda Burtt The state of passwordless auth on the web Phil Nash Trust me, I’m an open-source developer Charlie Gerard Vanilla Extract: CSS Preprocessing in the Age of Components Mark Dalgleish Web Performance 2023 Henri Helvetica When new CSS features collide: possibility and complexity at the intersections Rachel Andrew Why Data Science and UX Research should be Best Friends Grishma Jena Working fluently with Data in React Tejas Kumar Speakers Ben Taylor Liam Spradlin Stephanie Troeth Krystal Higgins Kate Linton Yiying Lu Itamar Medeiros Thomas Steiner Dan Shappir Mandy Michael Isabel Brison Bramus Van Damme Ahmad Shadeed Oliver Weidlich Mel Flanagan Patima Tantiprasut Steve Harrison Vitaly Friedman Josh Graham Himanshu Bharadwaj Julie Grundy Gian Wild Natalie Harper Mark Pesce Taz Singh Aliaksei Kuncevič Erin Zimmer Ben Teese Keerthana Krishnan Alexandra White James Sinclair Dan Hill Lucinda Burtt Phil Nash Charlie Gerard Mark Dalgleish Henri Helvetica Rachel Andrew Grishma Jena Tejas Kumar