I try to be a good web citizen, and keep things accessible. Now, I’m no expert, but there are some things web developers should check at least: Do images have (or need) alt text? Are links…...
Web components! They’re currently at the vanguard of web development and are a reliable source of hot drama in the community. We’ve built a number of web component-powered design systems with Fort...
The Fediverse is more than Mastodon. Let’s get that straight away. Mastodon is just the most popular right now, because of the Twitter exodus.There are lots of other fediverse platforms that are nea...
So, how far are we away from actually working without builds in HTML, CSS and Javascript? The idea of “buildless” development isn’t new – but there have been some recent improvements that ...
The text-box-trim and text-box-edge properties in CSS enable developers to trim specifiable amounts of the whitespace that appear above the first formatted line of text and below the last formatted...
Let’s say Junior Web Developer means you’re either just starting out learning, you’ve got a job but are early in your career, or somewhere between those. Our goal with this guide is to give you ...
Even the best AI can only take you so far without a solid foundation in development fundamentals. Developers need to adapt and evolve with AI, using it as the powerful tool that it is, but without ove...