Web Directions / Online, Sydney Summit ’23 for the whole digital team–product, design, developers, content: everyone! Presentations Adventures in Rendering Off the Main Thread Simon MacDonald All the Things That Seem to Matter Tea Uglow Annotating Designs for Accessibility Sam Hobson Architecture Patterns for App Modernisation Simon Wardan Baking Accessibility into Your Design System Simon Mateljan Brand UX: The Power of Experience Michal Golas Breaking up Long Tasks Nishu Goel Building Type-Safe Forms in React Brendan Allan Conversational AI Has a Massive, UX-Shaped Hole Peter Isaacs CSS Between the Pages Phil Nash Dear Designer… Sincerely, the Development Team Jo Minney Defending Design: Writing to Influence Matt Fenwick Design + AI = Good or Bad? MC Monsalve Designer to CEO – The Path Less Travelled Ross Chaldecott Evolving the Australian Government Design System Jordan Overbye Experimenting with AI at the ABC Anna Dixon Exploring the Event Loop Ikram Saedi Fantastic Load-Time Savings and Where to Find Them Quynh-Chi Nguyen Feedback Fortitude: Designing Success in High-Stakes Scenarios Carolyn Wilkinson Five Fundamental Principles of Inclusive Research Irith Williams From a Prehistoric Beast to a Modern Day Product Enterprise Amir Ansari Frontend’s Lost Decade & The Market for Lemons Alex Russell Hooked on Hooks Erin Zimmer How Server Components Change The Game Using Old Ideas Julian Burr How the Web can still win on mobile Alex Moore It is WWW (Is it though?) Armağan Ersöz Mapping Typography Scott Kellum Measuring the Value of REA’s Design System Chris Stonestreet Microaggressions and Microaffirmations in Product Design Laura Kerrison Permaculture Design Systems for a Digital Landscape Mick Real Pursuing Design Quality Jina Anne React Server Components in Next.js Richard Zhang Steam Engine Time Mark Pesce Taking advantage of AI to help you write code Lachlan Hunt The Dawn of Design Engineering: A New Era of Collaboration Adekunle Oduye The Expanding Dark Forest and Generative AI Maggie Appleton The Mediated Web Rupert Manfredi The Soul of a New Application Alex Danilo The Who, When, Why, and What of Design Systems Johanna Lynch TypeScript Utilities Every Developer Should Know About Meligy Understanding and Mitigating Third Party JS Risks Dominic Lovell Unspoken Value of Design Systems Emily Pearce WCAG 2.2 – What it Means for Designers Julie Grundy Web Components: Another Tool in your Toolbox Ben Taylor WebML: State of Machine Learning for Frontend Developers Shivay Lamba What’s New in CSS in 2023 Steve Harrison Whose Job is Animation? Matt Colman Why Would Anyone Need JavaScript Generators? James Sinclair Speakers Simon MacDonald Tea Uglow Sam Hobson Claire Webber Simon Wardan Simon Mateljan Michal Golas Lucila Tallone Nishu Goel Brendan Allan Peter Isaacs Phil Nash Jo Minney Matt Fenwick MC Monsalve Phil Banks Ross Chaldecott Jordan Overbye Anna Dixon Ikram Saedi Quynh-Chi Nguyen Carolyn Wilkinson Irith Williams Bri Norton Amir Ansari Alex Russell Erin Zimmer Julian Burr Alex Moore Armağan Ersöz Scott Kellum Chris Stonestreet Laura Kerrison Mick Real Jina Anne Richard Zhang Mark Pesce Lachlan Hunt Adekunle Oduye Maggie Appleton Rupert Manfredi Alex Danilo Johanna Lynch Meligy Dominic Lovell Emily Pearce Julie Grundy Zoë Haughton Ben Taylor Shivay Lamba Steve Harrison Matt Colman James Sinclair