Web Directions / Sydney Summit ’19 A conference for the whole team–featuring product, design and front end engineering tracks [photo credit JJ Halans] AIcssdesigndesign systemsdevelopmentHTMLjavascriptMLproduct managementUIUX Presentations 2-speed approach for building right software products right Andrew Gregovic A content-first approach to product onboarding Jonathon Colman Accessibility: Small Steps for a larger Audience Sara Soueidan Adapting a component library for better adoption Tim Holt Bringing Design, Product and Data Scientist together to design intelligent product Larissa Azevedo Creativity and user needs: pushing beyond the obvious solution Sheree Hannah Customizability in Design Systems Sarah Federman Design for Security Serena Chen Design systems are a service: how to keep your customers happy Alexandra Skougarevskaya Design Systems QA Inayaili de León Designing for Trust Katja Forbes Designing smart things: Balancing ethics and choice Gretchen Anderson Designing the modern call center Oliver Maruda Don’t go changin’: The importance of onboarding your users through change Alison Cooke Done is just the beginning Christian Baker Fun with Sensors and Browser APIs for the web! Mandy Michael Getting up to speed with Web Performance in 2019 Patrick Meenan Getting Your Team to Think like a Product Manager Jenny Chu GraphQL and The Web: Thinking beyond the technology Ben Teese Growth through long term relationships Nick Gower Humans vs Design at Scale Inayaili de León Igniting growth in product teams Peter Ikladious Intl we meet again Gilmore Davidson Intuitive APIs and Developer Education Bear Douglas Machine learning in the browser Ryan Seddon Maturing Design Culture in an Organisation Aaron Tan Metaphors we believe by: the pantheon of 2019 Aaron Z Lewis Minimising bias to create a well rounded product Anna Lee Anda My voice is my passport. Verify me? Ben Dechrai New Money Mark Pesce OKRs, the good, the bad and the ugly Nicole Brolan Operationalising Research – How ResearchOps can help Brigette Metzler Random Lachlan Hunt Responsive (Clothing) Design Nina Walia SOLID JavaScript Steve Morris Story-based design Shane Morris Storytelling for influence. A how-to guide to influential storytelling Omar Andrade Strike a pose – Gesture recognition in JavaScript with Machine Learning & Arduino Charlie Gerard The 4 stages of outcome-driven teams Sten Pittet The Pragmatic Product Professional Laura van Doore The Tree of Up Anson Parker Things you can do with CSS that used to need JS Rhiana Heath Turning insights into product Cheryl Gledhill Speakers Andrew Gregovic Jonathon Colman Sara Soueidan Tim Holt Larissa Azevedo Sheree Hannah Sarah Federman Serena Chen Alexandra Skougarevskaya Inayaili de León Katja Forbes Gretchen Anderson Oliver Maruda Alison Cooke Lauren Max Christian Baker Mandy Michael Patrick Meenan Jenny Chu Ben Teese Nick Gower Peter Ikladious Gilmore Davidson Bear Douglas Ryan Seddon Aaron Tan Aaron Z Lewis Anna Lee Anda Ben Dechrai Mark Pesce Nicole Brolan Brigette Metzler Benson Low Lachlan Hunt Nina Walia Steve Morris Shane Morris Omar Andrade Charlie Gerard Sten Pittet Laura van Doore Anson Parker Rhiana Heath Cheryl Gledhill