Web Directions / Sydney Summit 18 Two big tracks, one Product/Design, one Developer focused, plus stellar keynotes and much more [photo credit JJ Halans] Presentations beyond-stringly-typed Jared Wyles Building a compelling case for a Design System Laura van Doore Compiling for the Web with WebAssembly Alex Danilo Design For Transparency Tim Buesing Designing Across Cultures Yiying Lu Even more accessible! What WCAG 2.1 means for designers Allison Ravenhall Factoring human behaviour into our digital workplace designs Amanda Broomhall How adopting GraphQL will make your organization better / faster / stronger Peggy Rayzis Just So Stories Mark Pesce Keep Your Errors Close Rob Howard Lessons from the Battlefield Maria Giudice Machine learning for front-end developers Charlie Gerard Metaphors in UX Research and Analysis: A Secret Superpower Cyd Harrell Philosophy, Ethics and Design Oliver Reichenstein Securing the Web in 2018 Erwin van der Koogh Speaking with Machines: Conversation as an Interaction Model Joe Toscano The Experimental Future Caroline Sinders The Future of Web Design Part I: Layout Rachel Andrew The future of web design part II: Variable Fonts Mandy Michael The truth behind Virtual DOM Anh Pham The Untold Benefits of Ethical Design Holger Bartel Things designers and devs should know Ben Buchanan To push, or not to push?! Mark Nottingham Turning stories into websites Donna Benjamin What’s in the box? Alex Reardon Word Design 101 Georgina Laidlaw World-class frontend engineering at scale Nadia Makarevich Your Face Here Jennifer Hom Speakers Jared Wyles Laura van Doore Alex Danilo Tim Buesing Yiying Lu Allison Ravenhall Amanda Broomhall Peggy Rayzis Mark Pesce Rob Howard Maria Giudice Charlie Gerard Cyd Harrell Oliver Reichenstein Erwin van der Koogh Joe Toscano Caroline Sinders Rachel Andrew Mandy Michael Anh Pham Holger Bartel Ben Buchanan Mark Nottingham Donna Benjamin Alex Reardon Georgina Laidlaw Nadia Makarevich Jennifer Hom