Web Directions / Melbourne, Sydney Respond 2016 Australia's Responsive Web Design Conference accessibility CSS front end development Presentations Accessible Web Components Without Tears Russ Weakley Adaptive Content, Context and Controversy Karen McGrane CSS Selectors Redux Kevin Yank CSS Variables Coming to a Browser Near You Michael Mifsud Designing Secure Experiences Rachel Ilan Simpson Farewell Photoshop: Advanced CSS Image Techniques Jessica Edwards How We Learned To Love Iterative Design at Fairfax Lucinda Burtt In Search of the Element Query Chris Wright Incremental Responsive Redesign at Kogan.com Simon Knox Laziness in the Time of Responsive Design Ethan Marcotte Performance: HTTP/2 in a 1.5 World Peter Wilson Picture Perfect: Designing with Responsive Images Matthew Kairys Real Art Direction on the Web Jen Simmons SVG + CSS: A Designer’s Delight Sara Soueidan vw + vh === vnice Craig Sharkie Speakers Russ Weakley Karen McGrane Kevin Yank Michael Mifsud Rachel Ilan Simpson Jessica Edwards Lucinda Burtt Dina Gohil Chris Wright Simon Knox Ethan Marcotte Peter Wilson Matthew Kairys Jen Simmons Sara Soueidan Craig Sharkie