Web Directions / Online Code 2020 A global, remote-only conference for JavaScript Developers and Front End Engineers a11yaccessibilitycssDOMHTMLjavascriptpaymentsperformancesecurity Presentations Asynchronous and Synchronous JavaScript. There and back again. Maciej Treder Better Payments for the Web with the Payments API Eiji Kitamura Debugging CSS Ahmad Shadeed ECMeowScript–what’s new in JavaScript explained by cats Tomomi Imura Escape the box with Houdini Ruth John Fugu and the Future of the Web Platform Kenneth Rohde Christiansen JavaScript debugging the hard way Marcin Szczepanski Know Your HTML Chris Lienert Native JavaScript Modules Mejin Leechor Observability is for User Happiness Emily Nakashima Performance versus security, or Why we can’t have nice things Yoav Weiss Predictive Pre-fetch Divya Sasidharan Prefers Reduced Motion: Designing Safer Animation for Motion Sensitivities Val Head QA with Aaron Turner Aaron Turner QA with Ahmad Shadeed Ahmad Shadeed QA with Ana Cidre Ana Cidre QA with Andi Tjong Andi Tjong QA with Ben Dechrai Ben Dechrai QA with Chris Lienert Chris Lienert QA with Divya Sasidharan John Allsopp QA with Eiji Kitamura Eiji Kitamura QA with Emily Nakashima Emily Nakashima QA with Erin Zimmer Erin Zimmer QA with Houssein Djirdeh Houssein Djirdeh QA with Kenneth Rohde Christiansen Kenneth Rohde Christiansen QA with Maciej Treder Maciej Treder QA with Marcin Szczepanski Marcin Szczepanski QA with Marcos Caceres Marcos Caceres QA with Mejin Leechor Mejin Leechor QA with Phil Nash Phil Nash QA with Ruth John Ruth John QA with Tomomi Imura Tomomi Imura QA with Val Head Val Head QA with Voon Siong Wong Voon Siong Wong QA with Yaser Adel Mehraban Yaser Adel Mehraban QA with Yoav Weiss Yoav Weiss Say Goodbye to Passwords and Hello to WebAuthn Ben Dechrai The Art of CSS Voon Siong Wong The Origin Trials Phil Nash The State of JavaScript Houssein Djirdeh The Web in the age of Surveillance Capitalism Marcos Caceres Tuning web performance with just browser APIs Yaser Adel Mehraban Understanding image compression Andi Tjong Web Assembly at the Edge Aaron Turner Web Components are here. Finally. Ana Cidre Welcome to the Layouts of the Future! Erin Zimmer Speakers Maciej Treder Eiji Kitamura Ahmad Shadeed Tomomi Imura Ruth John Kenneth Rohde Christiansen Marcin Szczepanski Chris Lienert Mejin Leechor Emily Nakashima Yoav Weiss Divya Sasidharan Val Head Aaron Turner John Allsopp Ana Cidre Andi Tjong Ben Dechrai Erin Zimmer Houssein Djirdeh Marcos Caceres Phil Nash Voon Siong Wong Yaser Adel Mehraban