Web Directions / Melbourne Code 2018 Australia's conference for JavaScript Developers and Front End Engineers. Presentations Aggressive Web Apps Phil Nash Atomic, presentational, reusable, functional components: UI architecture in the age of design systems Isabel Brison Blockchain for Web Developers Michael John Peña Functional CSS yesterday Craig Sharkie Functional HTML Mandy Michael Further Adventures of the Event Loop Erin Zimmer Here Comes QUIC Mark Nottingham How to GraphQL, and why you should Tim Hingston Meaningful UX performance metrics and how to improve them Mark Zeman Not in Kansas anymore: A new frontier for web design Hui Jing Chen Optimistic Offline Experiences Simon Knox Performant, accessible animations with CSS & a dash of JavaScript Wing Ho Programming Generative Art Xavier Ho Return of the script tag Paul Heasley Scaling frontend development Marcin Szczepanski The art of giving a damn, and also not Patima Tantiprasut The State of Authentication Marcos Caceres Uncovering the secrets of Progressive Web Apps Maximiliano Firtman Using CSS (and SVG) for the good of UX Sara Soueidan Using CSS (and SVG) for the good of UX (Part II) Sara Soueidan Your web page never listens to me Jason O'Neil Speakers Phil Nash Isabel Brison Michael John Peña Craig Sharkie Mandy Michael Erin Zimmer Mark Nottingham Tim Hingston James Baxley III Mark Zeman Hui Jing Chen Simon Knox Wing Ho Xavier Ho Paul Heasley Marcin Szczepanski Patima Tantiprasut Marcos Caceres Maximiliano Firtman Sara Soueidan Jason O’Neil