Clarity / San Francisco Clarity is a design systems conference focused on how we work together Clarity '23 is a premium event, currently available exclusively for purchase from the organiser. Learn more and Buy Now a11yaccessibilitycssdesigndesign systemsdesign tokensinclusion Presentations A Love Letter to CSS Variables Danny Banks Accessibility and Ouija Boards Soren Hamby Building Design Systems That People Love Amy Lee Decolonizing Your Design System: Unveiling Biases and Revolutionizing Inclusion Michelle Chin Design Systems Carnival: One accessible component, many pretty masks Kathleen McMahon Designing a community-driven design systems roadmap Jules Forrest From walled gardens to open fields: Why we need open standards in design Kaelig Deloumeau-Prigent Improving Accessibility through Design Systems Homer Gaines Mise en mode Donnie D'Amato Panel: The Future of Design Systems Amy Lee Pursuing Design Quality Jina Anne The Business Model is the Grid Erika Hall Speakers Danny Banks Soren Hamby Amy Lee Michelle Chin Kathleen McMahon Jules Forrest Kaelig Deloumeau-Prigent Homer Gaines Donnie D’Amato Chris Strahl Jina Anne Erika Hall