Web Directions / Online Product 2020 a global, remote-only conference for Product professionals, covering product design and product management content strategydesignproductproduct designproduct leadershipproduct managementresearchUX Presentations Breaking Even Christian Crumlish Breathing room for Design Sharbani Dhar Design Fiction and Space to Speculate Jack O'Donoghue Design for Cognitive Bias: Using Mental Shortcuts for Good Instead of Evil David Dylan Thomas Design Patterns for building Trust Kate Linton Designing for Emotion Aarron Walter Designing responsibility during rapid technological change. Meg Blake Effective product management from crisis to the new normal Cheryl Gledhill Fair game: the ethics of telco fraud Laura Summers Going Remote. Iterating to a high trust team in uncertain times Alejandro Patterson Guardrails or handcuffs? Building creative and sustainable design systems Mark Boulton Guiding your team strategy with User Research Principles Emma Boulton How UX Can Help Us Humanize Products in the COVID-19 Era (and Beyond) Ashley Hefnawy It’s time to get better at disclosure: An evidence-based toolkit Nathan Kinch Machine Learning for Product Managers Mat Travers Make me pretty Emma Carter Moving fast and NOT break things: Experimenting in zero failure environments Tom Alterman Perception, Behavior, or Both Randy Hunt Potato, Potato: Building Connection Between Product and Design Jane Davis The Art of the Prototype Jessica Edwards The triangle love: Product, Data and Growth Albert Mai What Do We Do Now? Randy Silver Who’s homeless because of what I designed? Nicola Rushton With Great Addiction, Comes Great Responsibility Raymond Dellar Speakers Christian Crumlish Sharbani Dhar Jack O’Donoghue David Dylan Thomas Kate Linton Aarron Walter Meg Blake Cheryl Gledhill Laura Summers Alejandro Patterson Mark Boulton Emma Boulton Ashley Hefnawy Nathan Kinch Rob Hale Mat Travers Matt Kelcey Emma Carter Tom Alterman Randy Hunt Preeti Kotamarthi Jane Davis Jessica Edwards Albert Mai Randy Silver Nicola Rushton Raymond Dellar