Web Directions / Online Hover ’21 The Conference CSS Deserves aspect ratio container queries CSS css color css comparison functions CSS Grid CSS in JS CSS Object Model css variables CSSOM dynamic fonts flexbox fonts Houdini i18n internationalisation internationalization layout logical properties media queries scoped styles SVG type systems typed CSS typography variable fonts web fonts Presentations A special Webbed Briefs Heydon Pickering Beyond responsive design: new and future media queries Kilian Valkhof Container queries are (almost here) Miriam Suzanne CSS Aspect Ratio Anton Ball CSS Comparison Functions Ahmad Shadeed CSS Variables for Real Life Matt Colman How To Draw, With CSS Michal Porag Move over TypeScript, here comes TypedCSS! Rhiana Heath Neurodiversity (and why you hate CSS) Facundo Corradini The New CSS Logical Properties Elad Shechter The State of CSS-in-JS Mark Dalgleish Typography superpower with variable fonts and CSS Ananya Neogi Understanding display Rachel Andrew What’s New In CSS 2021 Adam Argyle Speakers Heydon Pickering Kilian Valkhof Miriam Suzanne Anton Ball Ahmad Shadeed Matt Colman Michal Porag Rhiana Heath Facundo Corradini Elad Shechter Mark Dalgleish Ananya Neogi Rachel Andrew Adam Argyle