Web Directions / Melbourne, Sydney Code 2016 A 2-day, single track conference for JavaScript and Front End Engineers, now taking place in Sydney and Melbourne. browser engines code smell CSS ES6 flexbox functional programming garbage collection graphql grid i18n internationalisation internationalization JavaScript l10n layout linting localisation localization manifests memory management offline performance progressive web apps PWA react semver service worker testing webapp Presentations CSS Grid Layout Rachel Andrew CSS: Code Smell Sanitation Fiona Chan Designing Web Apps for Performance Josh Duck Does Your Web App Speak Schadenfreude? Greg Rewis Flexing Your Layout Muscles – A Pragmatic Look at Flexbox Stephanie Rewis Installable Web Apps with Web Apps Manifests Elise Chant Memory Management in V8 Hadi Michael Once More with Feeling Tim Kadlec Progressing Your Web Apps With Service Worker Marcos Caceres Rats of the Maze Simon Swain Taking Back Control Over Third Party Content Yoav Weiss The Power and Responsibility of Unicode Adoption Katie McLaughlin The SemVer Talk 1.0 Ben Buchanan The State of Front-End Testing Alicia Sedlock The Things You Can’t Do Rob Howard Web Architectures Roundtable Yoav Weiss Zen of JavaScript Dmitry Baranovskiy Speakers Rachel Andrew Fiona Chan Josh Duck Greg Rewis Stephanie Rewis Elise Chant Hadi Michael Tim Kadlec Marcos Caceres Simon Swain Yoav Weiss Katie McLaughlin Ben Buchanan Alicia Sedlock Rob Howard Mark Dalgleish Dmitry Baranovskiy