Mastering Interaction to Next Paint (INP)

November 8, 2024

The web keeps changing—and so do the ways we measure web performance. Google recently updated its Core Web Vitals metrics, dropping First Input Delay (FID) in favor of a new and improved interaction metric: Interaction to Next Paint (INP).

FID was a step in the right direction, measuring how quickly a site responds to the first interaction. But it fell short by focusing only on that initial action, leaving out every click and type that follows. It also emphasized blocking time over total processing time, missing the real story behind user experience.

How is INP different? We’ll dive into exactly what it’s measuring, how to diagnose it, and, most importantly, how to fix it so your website interactions feel fast and responsive.

Source: Mastering Interaction to Next Paint (INP)

We’ve covered Core Web Vitals since their beginning at ur conferences, with numerous sessions covering them and specific vitals in detail. Here the excellent folks at Frontend Masters look at the newest vital, INP.