Web Directions / Sydney South 2013 The last edition of Web Directions South, brought together as always amazing design and development leaders CORS CSS Design forms front end development functional programming HTML html5 iot IxD JavaScript performance security UX Presentations A Quest for Responsive Imagery Simon Elvery Animating Web Experiences John Allsopp Beyond Mobile, Beyond Web Scott Jenson Connected UX Aarron Walter CORS: Cross Domain Requests for Javascript Michael Neale CSS: Making the Web a Less Blocky Place Jared Wyles Deep Interaction Karl Fast Designing With Animation Pasquale D'Silva Functional Javascript Dhanji R. Prasanna Future Perfect Tense Relly Annett-Baker Hack Yourself First Troy Hunt How the Internet of Things Changes How We Design Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino I Yield For Generators Adam Ahmed Javascript Beyond the Web Page Patrick Catanzariti Making Web Apps as Smooth as Native Andrew Betts Modularity Matters Anna Gerber Oh No! Spaghetti Code! Fiona Chan People Not Users Rachel Binx The Best Interface is No Interface Golden Krishna The Future of JavaScript: ECMAScript 6 Axel Rauschmayer The Future of TV in the Browser Rod Farmer The Weight of the Web David Demaree The Z Dimension Glen Maddern Validating Forms with the HTML5 Pattern Attribute Chris Lienert Speakers Simon Elvery John Allsopp Scott Jenson Aarron Walter Michael Neale Jared Wyles Karl Fast Pasquale D’Silva Dhanji R. Prasanna Relly Annett-Baker Troy Hunt Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino Adam Ahmed Patrick Catanzariti Andrew Betts Anna Gerber Fiona Chan Rachel Binx Golden Krishna Axel Rauschmayer Rod Farmer David Demaree Glen Maddern Chris Lienert