The success of Interop 2024!
January 17, 2025
With close of 2024 came the end of another year of the Interop project — the annual collaboration between browser engine teams to improve the interoperability of web technology by collectively focusing on fixing bugs and improving features in specific areas.
In 2024, there were 17 such focus areas: Accessibility, CSS Nesting, Custom Properties, Declarative Shadow DOM, font-size-adjust, HTTPS URLs for WebSocket, IndexedDB, Layout, Pointer and Mouse Events, popover, Relative Color Syntax, requestVideoFrameCallback, Scrollbar Styling, @starting-style & transition-behavior, Text Directionality, text-wrap: balance and URL.
Interior, a joint initiative of the major browser vendors to promote interoperability of the Web platform.
Running since 2021, each year a selection of platform features take focus.
Here Apple’s Jen Simmons reflects on a successful year–and we’re keen to see what gets focus in 2025 (news coming soon).