The Open Source Sustainability Crisis ❧ Open Path by Chad Whitacre
January 24, 2024
Okay, now let’s talk about the Open Source sustainability crisis. The purpose of this post is to define terms. What is Open Source sustainability? Why do I say it is in crisis? My answers are that sustainability is when people are getting paid without jumping through hoops, and we’re in a crisis because people aren’t and they’re burning out.
What’s hard is opening the corporate floodgates. Companies receive outsized value from Open Source, and companies control nearly all the funds
Source: The Open Source Sustainability Crisis ❧ Open Path by Chad Whitacre
So much the modern world relies on Open Source software. From operating systems to browsers, our infrastructure is built on it. In your own day to day life as a developer you doubtless rely on uncountable lines of open source code. Yet even his profile open source developers, like Conffab speaker Josh Goldberg quoted in this story by Chad Whitacre struggle for financial stability.
I look forward to Chad’s upcoming piece where he considers potential solutions.