Authors Together
December 6, 2024
In 2024, A Book Apart closed its doors after publishing a much-loved collection of more than 50 brief books for people who make websites. The rights to each book have reverted to the authors — hi, that’s us — and we’ve put together this semi-official directory to help you find our books in their new homes.
Source: Authors Together
A Book Apart was a wonderful imprint of books for Web designers and developers. Sadly earlier this year it shit up shop.
Now due to the nature of the publishing business, usually that largely means the end of the availability of the books associated with that publisher (until 70 years after the death of the author of the book, when the book reverts to the public domain). And even if an author wants to release their work into the public domain, or otherwise make it available, for free, or a fee, the nature of the contract they signed means tat’s typically very unlikely.
But, A Book Apart reverted the rights to the books to their authors. And as we’ve covered previously here, various authors have made their books available in various ways–some free, some for purchase.
Now, a number of the authors have created a semi-official directory where you can find some and hopefully one day all of these books.
Many of the authors have spoken at our conferences–some like Jeremy Keith and Eric Meyer sadly before we started recording them.