Comparing design systems to find the best qualities |
August 14, 2024
It’s not easy to build very good UI components. A global effort to try and find the best qualities of components would be a great opportunity to improve components everywhere.
Aren’t design systems ultimately a quest to collect the best UI practices across an organisation? Or across multiple organisations, or for anyone in general. This kind of work brings excellent opportunities to improve quality across some scope, organisationally or more widely. And if we do that, why not try and aim for the widest possible scope and go global? In A Global Design System, Brad Frost suggests this:let’s redirect that rallying cry outside of any individual organizations’ walls and apply it to the world at large.
Source: Comparing design systems to find the best qualities |
We’ve covered Brad Frost’s call for a Global Design System and Brian Kardell’s thoughtful response as elsewheres previously.
Here Hidde de Vries weighs in with his thoughts.