1:30 pm
Portrait of Nicholas Gruen

Awakening the better angels Part 3. What's to be done?

Nicholas Gruen Founder Lateral Economics

3. What's to be done?

We’ve known of democratic, merit seeking institutions that aren’t biased towards self-assertion and self-serving for over a thousand years. We should introduce them alongside existing institutions and expand their role as we gain experience with them. They bring out the better angels of our nature.

2:20 pm
Portrait of Jon Bell

The Future of Social Media: An Optimistic Take

Jon Bell Founder Arbiter

Jon Bell, a designer who tackled disinformation at Twitter, will present a collection of inspiring feature ideas for the future of social media. Some concepts were explored by his team but never implemented, while others draw inspiration from emerging platforms and still others go further afield in challenging our ideas of what social media can be. This talk will imagine what a truly great social media experience could look like, offering a blend of practical, tangible feature ideas and broader long term goals.

2:45 pm
Portrait of Jon Bradshaw

A $700Bn data delusion.

Jon Bradshaw Founder Brand Traction

Jon Bradshaw knows marketing –as an executive, consultant, and highly respected voice for decades in the industry. Here he challenges the $700 billion martech industry with eye-opening evidence on the limitations of data-driven advertising.

Drawing on recent research and his own expertise, Jon will discuss why broad-reaching, contextual ads often surpass targeted approaches, both in effectiveness and cost-efficiency. This session will question long-held beliefs and encourage a critical reevaluation of how we use data in marketing. And of the dominant privacy-intrusive business model of the mar-tech industries.

3:05 pm
Portrait of Alex Lakatos

Interledger, a protocol for the future of money

Alex Lakatos CTO The Interledger Foundation

Digital money has taken on a rather bad reputation of late, but what if the transfer money could be as frictionless, and inexpensive as the exchange of information enabled by the internet? Just as TCP/IP transformed the way information was exchanged, and drove the cost of that transfer inexorably lower, the interledger protocol, a W3C standard, aims to do that for payments and the transfer of value.

Already connecting traditionally unbanked communities into the world’s financial systems, the protocol opens opportunities for new business models and value exchange.

How might it transform what we do online and in the physical world?