Let's Build Suspense 🥁
Julian Burr Senior Developer Vouch
As the momentum of web development swings back towards the server, streaming is becoming increasingly popular. Specifically, out-of-order streaming with features like React Suspense — one of the magical powers behind Server Components.
Let's build our very own (simplified) version to explore how it works, what problems we are trying to solve, and what this future of web development looks like.

Dependency Injection with React Context
Erin Zimmer Senior Engineer Atlassian
Dependency injection is a common software pattern, with clear benefits, including easier testing, and better reusability of code. While there are React dependency-injection libraries available, React doesn't provide a native implementation of this pattern. It does, however, provide useContext, which can be used to gain many of the benefits of dependency injection. Today, we're going to take a look at why you might want to use dependency injection, how you can go about doing it with useContext, and what the pros and cons are of this approach vs using a library.