1: Stepping up
Wednesday 19th June 24 9:00 am
We begin the day with a focus on leadership–formal and informal–and stepping up, into a bigger role or into the spaces that need filling.
- Andrew Fisher–me, I know what I'm doing… I think
- Benjamin Wirtz–Why the jump into Leadership is extra hard for people in Tech – and what to do about it
2: Growing your team
Wednesday 19th June 24 11:00 am
Growth can mean numbers, but it can also mean capability. In this session we think about both aspects of growth–how to better select the right people for your team, and how to grow their capabilities and the team's culture.
- Ted Tencza–Technical Interviewing - surely we can do better
- Georgina Robilliard & Stefan Bramble–What I learned from a clown about growing an effective engineering culture
3: Tactics and Strategy
Wednesday 19th June 24 1:30 pm
Talk about Leadership can be very vague and aspirational at times. In this session we'll delve into the concrete, looking at tools and techniques and very practical examples to help you build your leadership systems, and successfully navigate technological change.
- Andrew Murphy & Rick Giner–Translating Tech Tactics to Leadership
- Inga Pflaumer–Technological Pivots: A Guide to Team Buy-In and Sustained Motivation
4: Technology and Architecture
Wednesday 19th June 24 3:30 pm
The last decade has seen the Web evolve at breakneck speed. The rise and growing dominance of frameworks and the SPA architecture. The growing complexity of our foundations–JavaScript, CSS, browser APIs.
To close the day we'll consider the state of the Web Platform, and what might be emerging in terms of architecture and directions with two people eminently well placed to help guide us.
- Keith Cirkel–Web Architectures today, and Tomorrow
- Hui Jing Chen–The State of the Web Platform