Web Directions / Online Global Scope 2022 a conference all about, and only about JavaScript 3rd party scripts array async/await debgging debugging decorators deno devtools expressions function composition garbage collection HTTPArchive immutability JavaScript lighthouse map memory management Minimum Common Web Platform API moduleblocks modules multicore nodejs performance promises react Shared Disjoint Heaps statements structs tuples weakmap weakref Web Almanac web workers WinterCG Presentations Debugging Apps with JS Frameworks Cecelia Martinez Decorators: Stage 3 (Finally!) Kristen Hewell Garrett Function composition: What’s the big deal? James Sinclair Improve your Lighthouse score with Partytown Adam Bradley Increasing Array’s immutable interface Ashley Claymore JavaScript Surprises Nishu Goel Multicore JS: Past, Present and Future Ujjwal Sharma Promises and Async/Await From the Ground Up Valeri Karpov Strength in weakness: JavaScript memory management and weak references Dan Shappir Towards a stdlib for JavaScript Runtimes James Snell Writing universal modules for Deno, Node, and the browser Luca Casonato Speakers Cecelia Martinez Kristen Hewell Garrett James Sinclair Adam Bradley Ashley Claymore Nishu Goel Ujjwal Sharma Valeri Karpov Dan Shappir James Snell Luca Casonato