Web Directions / Melbourne Code 2012 The first incarnation of one of the world's leading front end developer conferences Presentations Clientside Templates for Reactive UI Tim Oxley Debugging Secrets of a Lazy Developer Ryan Seddon Designing in the Browser Divya Manian Device APIs Dave Johnson Fantastic Forms for Mobile Web Tammy Butow Getting Off(line): Appcache, LocalStorage for HTML5 Apps that Work Offline John Allsopp Getting Touchy Feely with the Mobile Web Andrew Fisher HTML5 Technologies and Game Development Rob Hawkes JavaScript: Enter The Dragon Dmitry Baranovskiy JavaScript: Getting Closure Mark Dalgleish Node’s Personal Manservant Jed Schmidt Party Like It’s 1999, Write JavaScript Like It’s 2012 Tony Milne Removing the Gag From Your Browser Jared Wyles The HTML5 History API: PushState or Bust! Anson Parker The Main Event: Beyond Event Listeners in JavaScript Damon Oehlman The Web’s Third Decade Faruk Ates Truthiness, Falsiness and Other JavaScript Gotchas Anette Bergo Speakers Tim Oxley Ryan Seddon Divya Manian Dave Johnson Tammy Butow John Allsopp Andrew Fisher Rob Hawkes Dmitry Baranovskiy Mark Dalgleish Jed Schmidt Tony Milne Jared Wyles Anson Parker Damon Oehlman Faruk Ates Anette Bergo