“Smart” Layouts With Container Queries

August 16, 2024

Container queries are one of those things that open up new possibilities, but because they look a lot like the old way of doing things with media queries, our first instinct is to use them in the same way, or at least a very similar way.

Source: “Smart” Layouts With Container Queries | CSS-Tricks

It took a decade or more from the appearance of media queries to the fully formed concepts of responsive design. It wasn;t the lack of the technology, it was the lack of a vision. As many folks observed at the time (the lat 1990s), Web design was heavily influenced by print design (this is a common phenomenon with media, the tonight show and TV news still have the structure of popular radio formats 80 years after the arrival of TV).

Here Kevin Powell makes a smiler observation about how we use container queries today-much like we use media queries. And he explores what we might do differently.