Plain Vanilla

August 12, 2024

This is an overview of the major techniques used to make web sites and web applications without making use of build tools or frameworks, with just an editor, a browser, and web standards.Specifically, that means these topics:


The use of Web Components as the basic building block for making higher-level primitives out of plain HTML, JavaScript and CSS, replacing the components approach from frameworks like React or Vue.


Fully leveraging the abilities of modern CSS to replace the conveniences of CSS Modules, PostCSS, or SASS.


Making a web project based on web components and deploying it for production without involving build tools, frameworks or server-side logic.


How to build single-page web applications with vanilla techniques, how to do routing, and how to manage state.

Source: Plain Vanilla

In an era where we lean so heavily on frameworks is web development beyond static content-driven sites even possible? Joeri Sebrechts is here to teach us that it is.