Mask image is pretty handy
June 28, 2024
Masking, it’s easy with CSS! It’s not something I see as often as I hoped on the web either, so hopefully, this little post will inspire you to get creative with masks. You can also read more on mask-image, mask-composite and the mask shorthand.
Once upon a time graphic design for the web meant using a tool like Photoshop to make an image then embedding that image in a page. Ant effects, like filters, were applied to the source page and the final artwork was sent to the browser. This has numerous limitations, from requiring a complete record on the image if anything about it must change, to being stuck with that single piece of work.
But the web platform now (and in many cases like with filters) has long enabled us to take an image and modify it, even to animate those changes.
Here Andy Bell looks at how we can use image masks in CSS. It’s very straightforward and widely supported though much less widely used than it should be!