Let’s talk about web components
September 17, 2024
Web components! They’re currently at the vanguard of web development and are a reliable source of hot drama in the community. We’ve built a number of web component-powered design systems with Fortune 500 companies over the last 4 years, and it’s been a wild ride. We’ve seen a ton of success, we’ve bumped up against many rough edges, and we’re still here. We are increasingly relying on web components to help our clients establish and evolve their design system efforts. We’re enthusiastic about web components and think you should be too.
Brad Frost talks about Design Systems and Web Components.
@conffab.com @brad_frost Presentational JavaScript?! Why not write the HTML directly? The example from the article seems fine:
<div class="badge badge–success">
@conffab.com @brad_frost I get the value of components to bundle a couple of HTML elements together. But whenever you need that, in my experience you also need some interactive functionality bundled in, so you’re back to React/Angular whatever.