A Framework for Evaluating Browser Support

December 5, 2024

According to caniuse, container queries are supported for almost 93% of users (as of November 2024).

That sounds pretty good! My mom would have been thrilled if I came home with 93% on my report card. But is it actually sufficient when we’re talking about browser support levels?

Like so much in software development, the answer is it depends. In this blog post, I’m going to share the framework I use when deciding whether it’s appropriate to use a new CSS feature. We’ll look at the 3 individual factors I consider, and at the end, we’ll assemble them into a formula you can use to help you decide whether it’s OK to use a feature or not.

We’re focusing on CSS in this blog post, but the same framework can be used to evalute whether a modern JavaScript or HTML feature can be used.

Source: A Framework for Evaluating Browser Support • Josh W. Comeau

Recently I used the popover API to create an About window for my fun little Taylor Swift lyrics search engine. Which got my wondering is it safe to use this API?

Now, it’s a fun project where this window not opening would have not been a disaster, so I just glanced at the caniuse results (~80%) and YOLO’d it.

But we can’t always be doing that. So how can we make this decision?

Josh Comeau has developed a framework for helping decide.