Web Directions / Melbourne Code 2013 The second edition of Australia's leading front end developer conference asynchronous javascript browser API CSS debugging filters front end development HTML JavaScript mobile node shadow DOM testing web components webapp WebRTC Presentations An Introduction to the File API Cameron McCormack Create Impact with CSS Filters Alex Danilo CSS Preprocessor Performance Nicole Sullivan Ghost in the Shadow Dom Ryan Seddon HTML, CSS and the Client-Side App Garann Means HTML5 Multi-Party Video Conferencing Silvia Pfeiffer HTTP 2.0: WTF? Mark Nottingham Indexeddb, A Database in your Browser Aaron Powell Javascript’s Slightly Stricter Mode Glen Maddern Making and Keeping Promises in JavaScript Tony Milne Orientation-Motion-Sensormatic Machine Andrew Fisher Put on your Asynchronous Hat and Node Marc Fasel See the Tries for the Trees Jared Wyles Source Maps for Debugging Elle Meredith Taking Javascript Seriously with Backbone Jeremy Ashkenas Test, Tweak and Debug Your Mobile Apps with Ease Chris Ward The Politics of Javascript Angus Croll Typescript and Terminators Alex Mackey What Everyone Should Know About Rest Michael Mahemoff What’s ECMAScript 6 Good For? Julio Cesar Ody Speakers Cameron McCormack Alex Danilo Nicole Sullivan Ryan Seddon Garann Means Silvia Pfeiffer Mark Nottingham Aaron Powell Glen Maddern Tony Milne Andrew Fisher Marc Fasel Jared Wyles Elle Meredith Jeremy Ashkenas Chris Ward Angus Croll Alex Mackey Michael Mahemoff Julio Cesar Ody