Avis Mulhall

Avis Mulhall is an Irish girl who ditched her successful career in Ireland in 2008 to move to Africa where she lived in a rainforest in Tanzania, travelled through 15 countries, got attacked by a cheetah and ran a surf and yoga lodge in Mozambique before moving to Oz to set up her travel startup mmMule.
Passionate about social innovation, connecting people and travel, Avis is mmMule’s caped crusader who fully intends on changing the world with AngelMule – a unique way for ordinary folk to give back on their travels by using their journey to deliver supplies to not-for-profit projects in developing countries.
Avis is also the founder of Think Act Change a monthly meetup where changemakers, thinkers, innovators, entrepreneurs or anyone who is interested in social innovation, social enterprise or simply doing good meet once a month.
She is also a Trustee of the Awesome Foundation and is founder of the soon-to-launch social enterprise Looloo Paper, which has taken on the ambitious goal of wiping out diarrhoeal disease in developing countries.
When she was small she genuinely believed she could fly. It ended badly.
Watch these presentations by Avis Mulhall
Avis Mulhall has presented at these conferences