Summit 22 Product Track
Our product track covers everything the modern product professional needs to thrive in their role
Product Track Morning Day 1
Tuesday 1st November 22 11:00 am
Day 1's morning session of the Product track features
- Daniel Kinal, The Shapeshifting Product Manager
- Eli Ferrall, You Better Shape Up
- Sten Pittet, OKRs are the new Git
Product Track Afternoon Day 1
Thursday 1st December 22 2:15 pm
Our afternoon session on the product track day 1 features
- Grow Any Product 400% with Product-Led, Peter Ikladious
- Decisions and behaviours to reach your future state, Ash Ma
- The Road Atlas: Visual Storytelling with Roadmaps, Tadeh Hakopian
Product Track Morning Day 2
Friday 2nd December 22 10:45 am
Our Product track on the morning of Day 2 features
- Building The Strategy Bridge, Alejandro Patterson and Simon Hilton
- A11y All the Things, Amanda Mace
- Building organisational WCAG maturity through accessibility audits, Danielle Johnson
Product Track Afternoon Day 2
Friday 2nd December 22 1:50 pm
After lunch of Day 2 our Product track features
- Why Product-Market-Fit is not enough, Maja Cajar-Robinson
- From 0 to 1 million users: The secrets to building products that scale, Carmen Chung
- How to Be Relentlessly Resourceful in Building A Bootstrap Design Education Startup, Stella Guan