My sales pitch for TypeScript

March 4, 2025

Roughly, TypeScript is JavaScript plus type information. The latter is removed before TypeScript code is executed by JavaScript engines. Therefore, writing and deploying TypeScript is more work. Is that added work worth it? In this blog post, I’m going to argue that yes, it is. Read it if you are skeptical about TypeScript but interested in giving it a chance.

Source: My sales pitch for TypeScript

Hot on the heels of his recent ‘What is TypeScript? An overview for JavaScript programmers‘ Axel Rauschmayer has a sales pitch for TypeScript.

I’ll confess, the scale at which I use JavaScript (not for full scale apps, but relatively small pieces), and with an aversion to build steps and the like, TypeScript is likely overkill for my purposes. But for many it’s become essential.

There are proposals at TC39, the standards organisation for JavaScript to introduce type annotations into JavaScript itself, but these are still far off at this stage.