The AI Architect — Bret Taylor

    The legendary CEO of Sierra, Chairman of OpenAI, and creator of Google Maps/Facebook Likes on the future of Software Engineering, and building great products and teams at the break of the dawn of AGI.

    Source: The AI Architect — Bret Taylor – Latent.Space

    On point with several of this week's 'elsewheres' focussed on the question of 'what is the nature of software engineering in an era of large language models' is Bret Taylor in conversation with the folks at Latent Space. The pertinent part starts about 19 minutes in–and there's a transcript, or listen to the recording.

    Introducing the Anthropic Economic Index \ Anthropic

    In the coming years, AI systems will have a major impact on the ways people work. For that reason, we’re launching the Anthropic Economic Index, an initiative aimed at understanding AI’s effects on labor markets and the economy over time.The Index’s initial report provides first-of-its-kind data and analysis based on millions of anonymized conversations on, revealing the clearest picture yet of how AI is being incorporated into real-world tasks across the modern economy.

    Source: Introducing the Anthropic Economic Index \ Anthropic

    Important and interesting research from Anthropic, the develops of Claude, on how their models are being used. The data is open sourced for others to analyse. Perhaps no big surprise that by far the most common use of their models is for 'computers and mathematics'. Perhaps a little more surprising is
    AI use leans more toward augmentation (57%), where AI collaborates with and enhances human capabilities, compared to automation (43%), where AI directly performs tasks.
    at least since so much of the concern about AI has been the replacement of human labour.

    Relative Units & Typography

    Responsive Typography has been around for at least a decade in various forms, but has become even more popular with tools like,, Typetura, and more – all relying on the latest CSS units and math functions. But there are still a lot of questions worth asking.

    • What do users really want when they change the default browser font size?
    • Is it appropriate for padding and margins to grow along with text?
    • What all should we be responding to, and can CSS do what’s required?

    Source: Relative Units & Typography | OddBird

    It's all very well for our elements to respond in size depending on the size of their containing elements, but what about the size of text? That's become increasingly possible with new font size units and functions like min, max and clamp. In this conversation, Miriam Suzanne, Stacy Kvernmo, and special guest Alan Stearns discuss all things responsive font sizing.

    The End of Programming as We Know It – O’Reilly

    There’s a lot of chatter in the media that software developers will soon lose their jobs to AI. I don’t buy it.It is not the end of programming. It is the end of programming as we know it today. That is not new. The first programmers connected physical circuits to perform each calculation. They were succeeded by programmers writing machine instructions as binary code to be input one bit at a time by flipping switches on the front of a computer. Assembly language programming then put an end to that. It lets a programmer use a human-like language to tell the computer to move data to locations in memory and perform calculations on it. Then, development of even higher-level compiled languages like Fortran, COBOL, and their successors C, C++, and Java meant that most programmers no longer wrote assembly code. Instead, they could express their wishes to the computer using higher level abstractions.

    Source: The End of Programming as We Know It – O’Reilly

    There is clearly something in the air–Tim O'Reilly, one of the giants of the technology industry (founder of O'Reilly publishing, semi-finer of the term Web 2.0, spotter of deep technology trends) has penned this long thoughtful essay on the question that has been front of my mind for some time now 'what is the nature of software engineering when LLMs can increasingly do a lot of the work software engineers have done'. I think anyone who writes software should read this.

    Organizing Design System Component Patterns With CSS Cascade Layers

    CSS Cascade Layers have been widely supported for quite some time (essentially since early 2022, so well and truly baseline technology). At Conffab we covered them at Hover in 2022 and then at Web Directions Summit later that year. But they are quite a lot to get your head around–a completely new way of architecting our CSS. Here Ryan Trimble shows a case study of making components more manageable with cascade layers.

    The LLM Curve of Impact on Software Engineers

    There is so much debate online about the usefulness of LLMs. While some people see giant leaps in productivity, others don’t see what the fuss is about. Every relevant HackerNews post now comes with a long thread of folks arguing back and forth. I call it the new Great Divide.I have a theory about this divide. The theory is that, on average, an LLM’s impact on someone’s day-to-day job largely depends on their level, and it follows a really interesting curve. In this post, I’ll explain the reasoning behind this idea.

    Source: The LLM Curve of Impact on Software Engineers

    There's little doubt LLM based coding tools will impact software engineering perhaps more than any other field. Just how remains to be seen. Here Sergey Tselovalnikov considers which levels of experience, from junior to staff will be impacted, and how-positively, and less so.

    CSS Custom Functions are coming … and they are going to be a game changer!

    Chrome is currently prototyping CSS Functions from the css-mixins-1 specification.A custom function can be thought of as an advanced custom property, which instead of being substituted by a single fixed value, computes its substitution value based on function parameters and the value of custom properties at the point it’s invoked.Here’s a very simple example (taken from the spec) that should give you an idea of what a custom function looks like:

    @function –negate(–value) {

    result: calc(-1 * var(–value));


    Source: CSS Custom Functions are coming … and they are going to be a game changer! –

    We try to avoid covering things as yet completely unavailable here and at our conferences but sometimes something is so exciting ww want to at least put it on your roadmap. Custom CSS Functions are one such thing.

    Which local fonts can I use?

    Which local fonts can I use?I’ve been asking myself this question and I wish a place like contained this information. I couldn’t find one so I’m setting out to build it.

    Source: Which local fonts can I use?

    Back in the day (from the 1990s until the arrival font embedding technologies, and the likes of TypeKit and Google Fonts) we had at our disposal a limited subset of fonts we called 'web safe fonts'. CSS with its font fallback approach meant we could suggest different fonts in order of priority (absolutely revolutionary the proper to this HTML had a font attribute that allowed the specification of a single font). So we would create font sets of similar fonts across Mac and Windows (honestly the only platforms most web designers/developers focused on)–Helvetica and arial for example, Times and Times New Roman and feel reasonably confident this would cover most users font availability. But what about now? Stoyan Stefano has set out to discover which local fonts are available where for his new High-Performance Web Fonts site.

    A Gentle Intro to Running a Local LLM

    But there is an overarching story across the field: LLMs are getting smarter and more efficient.And while we continually hear about LLMs getting smarter, before the DeepSeek kerfuffle we didn’t hear so much about improvements in model efficiency. But models have been getting steadily more efficient, for years now. Those who keep tabs on these smaller models know that DeepSeek wasn’t a step-change anomaly, but an incremental step in an ongoing narrative.

    These open models are now good enough that you – yes, you – can run a useful, private model for free on your own computer. And I’ll walk you through it.

    Source: A Gentle Intro to Running a Local LLM | Drew Breunig

    I believe large language models are a transformative new paradigm of computing. Can they do all the things they are hyped to do well? No. Will they ever be able to? An open, and in many ways unimportant question. Since they can already do many things incredibly well. If your career involves making things that people interact with on computers, and you aren't actively exploring the impact of these technologies on the world you do, I share Geoffrey Huntley's view that very quickly you may find yourself vastly less productive than you would otherwise be (and your peers who do expose these technologies will have become). Mot of the ways we have work with these models until now has been via some sort of cloud service, whether a foundation model company, like OpenAI or Anthropic, a cloud computing service like Azure, AWS or Google Cloud Platform, or a host of open models like Hugging Face. But it is becoming increasingly feasible to run models on your own consumer grade hardware as Drew Breunig examines here (and even in the browser as we'll explore with our online conference Inference later in the year.)

    The web is already multiplayer

    There are no single-player web applications: the simplest model of frontend software is a user interacting with a webpage, but the user and the webpage have similar capabilities. Your frontend application can respond to and produce events. It can modify the webpage.

    So can the user: they can modify webpages at any point. Maybe they load every page in a new session, breaking your assumptions about how a website will persist state. Or maybe they never create a new session – they have 80+ tabs open that never get closed, so they will continue using versions of your frontend application that you released months ago, which now break when talking to an updated backend server.

    But those aren’t the only players. Browsers are active participants in the game: a browser might translate a webpage and modify the DOM in a way that makes React crash. It might disable an API that the application expects, like localStorage, in a way that makes its behavior unpredictable. Ad-blockers might prevent some of the application from loading.

    It’s hard work. It’s not cool. And I am nowhere near mastering it. I totally get itwhen people have an aversion to it, or think that the methods used today are wild. But mostly the methods are wild because the problem is, too. A straight-line solution to the problems of the front-end would be lovely, but those problems don’t really permit one.

    Source: The web is already multiplayer –

    For anyone who's developed platforms other than the web this one may resonate. It speaks to challenges that don't exist when developing for other platforms.